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Kiln details
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Kiln type A
Evidence for a clamp or a bonfire-firing, characterized by the absence of any temporary or permanent walling, flue, stokehole or raised oven-flooring, but where the fuel constituted the covering material of the vessels being fired:A(a): surface clamp;
A(b): sunken or pit-clamp
Kiln type B
Evidence for a surface-built kiln(or a kiln sited in a very shallow depression) with single flue and a temporary lining (e.g. of turf), indicated by a clearly defined area of burning. Temporary stacking furniture and/or a temporary raised oven-floor may have been used.Internal variations:
- No evidence for the use of kiln-furniture, internal stacking aids, or a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Evidence for the use of temporary(portable) kiln-furniture at the bottom of the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but none for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- An integral permanent structural component or feature in the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but no evidence for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Temporary support(s) or furniture and a temporary(i.e. portable) raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a temporary raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a permanent raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- A permanent, self-supporting raised oven-floor, i.e. one lacking any special supportive structure.
Kiln type C
Evidence for a surface-built kiln, as B, but with two opposing flues.Internal variations:
- No evidence for the use of kiln-furniture, internal stacking aids, or a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Evidence for the use of temporary(portable) kiln-furniture at the bottom of the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but none for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- An integral permanent structural component or feature in the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but no evidence for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Temporary support(s) or furniture and a temporary(i.e. portable) raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a temporary raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a permanent raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- A permanent, self-supporting raised oven-floor, i.e. one lacking any special supportive structure.
Kiln type D
A surface-built or very shallowly-set kiln with a single flue and a substantial permanent lining to the kiln-chamber.Internal variations:
- No evidence for the use of kiln-furniture, internal stacking aids, or a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Evidence for the use of temporary(portable) kiln-furniture at the bottom of the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but none for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- An integral permanent structural component or feature in the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but no evidence for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Temporary support(s) or furniture and a temporary(i.e. portable) raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a temporary raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a permanent raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- A permanent, self-supporting raised oven-floor, i.e. one lacking any special supportive structure.
Kiln type E
A permanent, surface-built kiln, as D, but with two opposing flues.Internal variations:
- No evidence for the use of kiln-furniture, internal stacking aids, or a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Evidence for the use of temporary(portable) kiln-furniture at the bottom of the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but none for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- An integral permanent structural component or feature in the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but no evidence for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Temporary support(s) or furniture and a temporary(i.e. portable) raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a temporary raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a permanent raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- A permanent, self-supporting raised oven-floor, i.e. one lacking any special supportive structure.
Kiln type F
A circular or oval sunken or semi-sunken kiln, with a single flue and (usually) a permanent clay lining to the kiln-chamber. Where the subsoil is clay, such kilns may occasionally be unlined below ground level.Internal variations:
- No evidence for the use of kiln-furniture, internal stacking aids, or a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Evidence for the use of temporary(portable) kiln-furniture at the bottom of the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but none for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- An integral permanent structural component or feature in the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but no evidence for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Temporary support(s) or furniture and a temporary(i.e. portable) raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a temporary raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a permanent raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- A permanent, self-supporting raised oven-floor, i.e. one lacking any special supportive structure.
Kiln type G
A circular or oval sunken or semi-sunken kiln, as F, but with two opposing flues.Internal variations:
- No evidence for the use of kiln-furniture, internal stacking aids, or a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Evidence for the use of temporary(portable) kiln-furniture at the bottom of the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but none for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- An integral permanent structural component or feature in the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but no evidence for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Temporary support(s) or furniture and a temporary(i.e. portable) raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a temporary raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a permanent raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- A permanent, self-supporting raised oven-floor, i.e. one lacking any special supportive structure.
Kiln type H
A square or rectangular sunken or semi-sunken kiln with a single flue.Internal variations:
- No evidence for the use of kiln-furniture, internal stacking aids, or a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Evidence for the use of temporary(portable) kiln-furniture at the bottom of the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but none for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- An integral permanent structural component or feature in the kiln-chamber to aid stacking and heat circulation, but no evidence for a raised oven-floor: i.e. a single chambered kiln.
- Temporary support(s) or furniture and a temporary(i.e. portable) raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a temporary raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- Permanent integral support(s) and a permanent raised oven-floor spanning all or most of the furnace-chamber.
- A permanent, self-supporting raised oven-floor, i.e. one lacking any special supportive structure.