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Bibliography an Abbreviations

Cam: 00: Vessel-form numbers in Hawkes, C. F. C. and Hull, M. R. 1947. Camulodunum. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 14 (1947).

Carrington, P. 1977. Severn Valley ware and its place in the Roman pottery supply at Chester: A preliminary assessment. In Dore, J. and Green, K. (eds.). Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond. Papers presented to John Gillam, July 1977. British Archaeological Reports Supplementary Series 30 (1977), 147-62. Oxford.

Chester AEU: Chester Archaeological Excavation Unit.

Chester Mus: The Grosvenor Museum, Grosvenor Street, Chester.

Curzon and Hanson 1971. Curzon, J. B. and Hanson, W, S. The Pottery Kiln. In Jones, G. D. B. Excavations at Northwich (Condate). Archaeol. J. 128 (1971), 31-77.

Gillam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gillam, J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.

Hartley and Webster 1973. Hartley, K. F. and Webster, P. V. Romano-British Pottery Kilns near Wilderspool. Archaeol. J. 130 (1973), 77-103.

Hartley, K. F. 1981. Painted Fine Wares made in the Raetîan Workshops near Wilderspool, Cheshire. In Anderson, A. C. and Anderson, A. S. Roman Pottery Research in Britain and North-West Europe. Papers presented to Dr G.Webster. BAR Int. Series 123 (1981) 471-9. Oxford.

Holt 00: Pottery type-numbers in Grimes, W. F. Holt, Denbighshire: The Works-Depot of the Twentieth Legio at Castle Lyons. Y Cymmrodor 41. London 1930.

May, T. 1900a. Excavations on the site of the Romano-British Civitas at Wilderspool, Years 1899-1900. Trans. Historic Soc. Lancashire Cheshire 52 (1900), 1-5.

May, T. 1900b. Roman Potter’s Kiln at Stockton Heath,near Warrington. The Relinquary 6 (1900), 263-9.

May, T. 1904a. Warrington’s Roman Remains. Warrington.

May, T. 1904b. The excavations on the Romano-British site at Wüderspool and Stockton Heath, Years 1901 – 1904. Trans. Historic Soc. Lancashire Cheshire 55/56 (1903-4), 209-37.

Thompson, F. H. 1965. Roman Cheshire, A History of Cheshire Vol. 2. Chester.

Warrington Mus: Warrington Museum and Art Gallery, Bold Street, Warrington.