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Bibliography and Abbreviations

Bolton, E. G. 1968. Romano-British Pottery Kiln at Greetham, Rutland. Trans. Leicestershire Archaeol. Hist. Soc. 43 (1967-8), 1-3.

Clarke, D. T.-D. 1950. A Roman Pottery Kiln at Earl Shilton. Leicestershire and Rutland Mag. 2 part 3 (1950).

Corder, P. (ed.) 1961. The Roman Town and Villa at Great Casterton, Rutland. Third Report for the Years 1954-8. University of Nottingham, 1961.

Hartley,B. R. 1960. Notes on the Roman pottery industry in the Nene Valley. Peterborough Museum Society Occasional Papers No. 2 (1960, reprinted 1972).

JRS: Journal of Roman Studies.

Leicester Mus SMR: Leicestershire Museums Sites and Monuments Record, Jewry Wall Museum, St Nicholas Circle, Leicester.

LHA: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology.

Nottingham U Mus: The Museum of the Dept. of Classics and Archaeology, The University, Nottingham.

Oakbam Mus: Rutland County Museum, Catmos Street, Oakham.

PSAL: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries London.

R Mag: The Rutland Magazine.

SLAUS: South Lincolnshire Archaeology Unit, Stamford.

Todd, M. 1968. The Commoner Late Roman Coarse Wares of the East Midlands. Antiq. J. 48 (1968), 192-209.

VCH Rutland: The Victoria County History of Rutland.