Bibliography and Abbreviations
AE: Archaeological Excavations (Dept. of the Environment: HMSO).
AHAR: Archaeology in Hampshire Annual Report.
AHPRG: Alice Holt Pottery Research Group.
AHSG: Alice Holt Survey Group.
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Alton Mus: The Curtis Museum, High Street, Alton.
AVAS: Avon Valley Archaeological Society.
Bartlett, J. P. 1873. The Ancient Potteries of the New Forest, Hampshire. Archaeol, J. 30 (1873), 319-24.
Basingstoke Mus: Willis Museum and Art Gallery, New Street, Basingstoke.
BB: Black-burnished ware (see Glossary).
BB1 : Black-burnished ware, Category 1 (see Glossary).
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Bingley, W. 1817. Topographical Account of the Hundred of Bosmere in Hampshire comprising the Parishes of Havant, Warblington and Hayling. Havant.
BM, London: The British Museum, Bloomsbury, London.
Cam. 00: Vessel-form numbers in Hawkes, C. F. C. and Hull, M. R. Camulodunum. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 14 (1947).
Christchurch Mus: Red House Museum and Art Gallery, Quay Road, Christchurch, Dorset.
Corder, P. 1957. The Structure of Romano-British Pottery Kilns. Archaeol. J. 94 (1957), 10-27.
Cottrill, F. 1950. Report on Pottery 1947-49. Proc. Hampshire Fld. Club 17 (1947-50), 360-61.
CSG: Calleva Survey Group.
Cunliffe, B. 1961. Report on the Excavations on the Roman Pottery Kiln at Hallcourt Wood, Shedfield, Hampshire (1960). Proc. Hampshire Fld. Club Archaeol. Soc. 22 part 1 (1961), 8-24.
Cunliffe, B. 1965. Report on the Excavation of Three Pottery Kilns in the New Forest, 1955. Proc. Hampshire Fld. Club Archaeol. Soc. 23 part 2 (1965), 29-45.
DoE: Department of the Environment.
Farnham Mus: The Farnham Museum, Wilmer House, 38 West Street, Farnham.
Fennelly, L. R. 1969. Excavations of the Roman Villa at Combley, Arreton, I.W., 1968-1969. Proc. Isle Wight Natur. Hist. Archaeol. Soc. 6 part 4 (1969), 271-82.
Fishb. 00: Pottery-type numbers in Cunliffe, B. 1971. Excavations at Fishbourne 1961-1969, Vol. II: The Finds. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 27 (1971).
Fortescue, K. 1978. Report on Finds from Church Green, Eyeworth Wood, 1976. HFCNFS Rept 15 (1978), 31-6.
Fortescue, K. 1981. Church Green Excavations. Pottery Report 1979 with some notes on the 1980 finds. HFCNFS Rept 18 (1981), 34-6.
Fulford, M. G. 1971. Excavation of three Romano-British Pottery Kilns in Amberwood Inclosure, near Fritham, New Forest. Proc. Hampshire Fid. Club Archaeol. Soc. 28 (1971), 5-27.
Fulford 00: Vessel-type numbers in Fulford, M. G. 1975. New Forest Pottery: Manufacture and Distribution with a Corpus of the Pottery Types. BAR British Series 17 (1975). Oxford.
Giliam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gillam, J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Godalming Mus: The Godalming Museum, The Pepperpot, High Street, Godalming, Surrey.
Gose 00: Pottery-type numbers in Gose, E. 1950. Gefässtypen der Römischen Keramik im Rheinland. Bonner Jahrbuch, Beiheft 1, Kevelaer (1950).
Hants NQ: Hampshire Notes and Queries.
Hawkes, C. F. C. 1938. An Unusual Find in the New Forest Potteries at Linwood, Hants. Antiq. J. 18 (1938), 113-36.
HCMS , Winchester: Hampshire County Museum Services, Chilcomb House, Bar End, Winchester.
HFCNFS Rept: Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society. New Forest Section (Annual) Report.
Hope and Stephenson 1911. Hope, W, H. St J. and Stephenson, M. Excavations about the Site of the Roman City at Silchester, Hants., in 1909. Archaeol. 62 (1911), 317-32.
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Lowther, A. W. G. 1939. Part III(ii). The Roman and Saxon Periods. In Oakley, K. P., Rankine, W. F. and Lowther, A. W, G. A Survey of the Prehistory of the Farnham District (Surrey). Surrey Archaeol. Soc., Guildford.
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May, T. 1916. The Pottery found at Silchester. Reading.
NFSHFC: The New Forest Section of the Hampshire Field Club.
OS: Ordnance Survey.
Pasmore, A. H. 1967. New Forest Pottery Kilns and Earthworks. A Record of Recent Field Work in Sloden, Pitts Wood, Alder Hill, Amberwood and Islands Thorns Inclosures. Privately printed, Cadnam, Southampton.
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Pasmore, A, H. 1981. Church Green Excavations Report for 1979 and 1980. HFCNFS Rept. 18 (1981), 27-33.
PHFCAS: Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society.
Portsmouth SC Mus: Southsea Castle and Museum, Clarence Esplanade, Southsea, Portsmouth.
Reading Mus: Reading Museum and Art Gallery, Blagrave Street, Reading.
Salisbury SW Mus: Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum, The King’s House, 65 The Close, Salisbury.
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Sumner, H. 1927. Excavations on New Forest Roman Pottery Sites. London.
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Swan, V.G. 1973. Aspects of the New Forest Late-Roman Pottery Industry. In Detsicas, A. P. (ed.). Current Research in Romano-British Coarse Pottery. C.B.A. Res. Rept. 10 (1973). London.
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