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Bibliography and Abbreviations

BAJ: Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal

BM, London: The British Museum, Bloomsbury, London.

BNFAS: Bulletin of the Northamptonshire Federation of Archaeological Societies (from Vol. I (1966) to Vol. VII (1972); thereafter NA, see below).

Brixworth 00: Pottery-forms in Woods 1972.

Bunch and Corder 1954. Bunch, B. and Corder, P. A Romano-British Pottery Kiln at Weston Favell, near Northampton. Antiq. J. 34 (1954), 218-24.

CA; Current Archaeology.

Cam 00: Vessel-form numbers in Hawkes, C. F. C. and Hull, M. R. 1947. Camulodunum. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 14 (1947).

Dryden, H. E. L. 1885. Hunsbury or Danes Camp and the Discoveries there. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Rept. Papers 18 (1885), 53-61.

Foster, P. J. 1976. Romano-British Finds at Kettering. Northamptonshire Archaeol. 11 (1976), 170-77.

Foster et al. 1977. Foster, P. J., Harper, R. and Watkins, S. An Iron Age and Romano-British settlement at Hardwick Park, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Archaeol. 12 (1977), 55-96.

Franks, A. W. 1854. On additions to the collection of British antiquities in the British Museum. Archaeol. J. 11 (1854), 23-32.

Friendship-Taylor, R. M. 1974. Excavation of the Belgic and Romano-British Site at Quinton, Northamptonshire, 1971-2. J. Northampton Mus. Art Gallery 11 (1974), 2-59.

George, T. J. 1904. An Archaeological Survey of Northamptonshire. Soc. Antiq. London Archaeol. Surveys.

Gillam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gillam J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.

Hadman and Upex 1975. Hadman, J. and Upex, S. A Roman Pottery Kiln at Sulehay, near Yarwell. Durobrivae. A review of Nene Valley Archaeology 3 (1975), 16-18.

Hadman and Upex 1979. Hadman, J. and Upex, S. Ashton 1977-8. Durobrivae. A review of Nene Valley Archaeology 7 (1979), 28-30.

Hall and Hutchings 1972. Hall, D. N. and Hutchings, J. B. The Distribution of Archaeological Sites between the Nene and the Ouse Valleys. Bedfordshire Archaeol. J. 7(1972), 1-16.

Hall and Nickerson 1967. Hall, D. N. and Nickerson, N. Excavations at Irchester, 1962-3. Archaeol. J. 124 (1967), 65-99.

Hawkes, C. F. C. 1940. A sporting or mythological relief-mould from Roman Britain. Antiq. J. 20 (1940), 497-9.

JBAA : Journal of the British Archaeological Association.

JNNHS: Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club.

Johnston, D. E. 1969. Romano-British Pottery Kilns near Northampton. Antiq. J. 49 (1969), 75-97.

JRS: Journal of Roman Studies.

MHAS: Market Harborough Archaeological Society.

Moore, R. 1968. Roman Settlement in the Upper and Middle Nene Valley. Unpubl. B.A. dissertation, University College, Cardiff.

NA: Northamptonshire Archaeology (Vol. VIII (1973) onwards; for preceding volumes see BNFAS).

NDCAU: Northampton Development Corporation Archaeological Unit.

Northampton Mus: Central Museum and Art Gallery, Guildhall Road, Northampton.

Northants CCAU: Northamptonshire County Council Archaeological Unit, Northampton.

OS: Ordnance Survey.

Peterborough Mus: Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery Priestgate, Peterborough.

PSAL: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries London.

RCHM Northants 1: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Northampton: Vol. I: Archaeological Sites in North-East Northamptonshire. HMSO 1975.

RCHM Northants 2: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Northampton: Vol. II: Archaeological Sites in Central Northamptonshire. HMSO 1979.

RCHM Northants 3: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Northampton: Vol. III: Archaeological Sites in North-West Northamptonshire. HMSO 1981.

RCHM Northants 4: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). An Inventory of Historical Monuments In the County of Northampton: Vol. IV: Archaeological Sites in South-West Northamptonshire. HMSO 1982.

Reader, F. W. 1909. Report on the Excavations (1906-7) of the Red Hills Exploration Committee. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Lond. 2 ser. 22 (1907-9), 164-214.

Shaw, M. 1979. Romano-British pottery kilns on Camp Hill, Northampton. Northamptonshire Archaeol. 14 (1979), 17-30.

Smith and Todd 1974. Smith, D. J. and Todd, M. A First Century Pottery Kiln at Blackmore Thick Farm, Southwick. J. Northampton Mus. Art Gallery 10 (1974), 6-12.

Thompson, B. 1902. The Discovery of a Romano-British Pottery Kiln at Corby. J. Northamptonshire Natur. Hist. Soc. Fld. Club 11 (1902), 261-4 + pl.

VCH Northants 1 : The Victoria County History of Northamptonshire 1 (1902).

W Mus, Kettering; The Westfield Museum, West Street, Kettering.

Woods, P. J. 1969. Excavations at Hardingstone, Northants., 1967-8. Northamptonshire County Council.

Woods, P. J. 1972. Brixworth Excavations. Vol. I. The Romano-British Villa, 1965-70. Part I. The Romano-British Coarse Pottery and Decorated Samian Ware. Reprinted from J. Northampton Mus. Art Gallery 8 (1970), 3-102. Northampton 1972.

Woods, P. J. 1974. Types of Late Belgic and Early Romano-British Pottery Kilns in the Nene Valley. Britannia 5 (1974), 262-81.

Woods, P. J. 1978. The Romano-British Pottery Kilns, and Pottery from Kilns I-III. In Jackson, D. A. and Ambrose, T. M. Excavations at Wakerley, Northants., 1972-5. Britannia 9 (1978), 147-51 and 206-13.