Discredited Kiln Site
The following, formerly claimed as a kiln site, cannot on present evidence be included in the gazetteer:
Capel St Mary TM092383; possibly a glass kiln; pottery not present in quantity, nor as wasters; large settlement in vicinity (JRS 54 (1964), 168).
Bibliography and Abbreviations
AE: Archaeological Excavations (Dept. of the Environment: HMSO).
BB2: Black-burnished ware. Category 2 [see Glossary).
Bury St Edmunds Mus: Moyses Hall Museum, Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds.
Cam 00: Vessel-form members in Hawkes, C. F. C. and Hull, M. R. 1947. Camulodunum. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 14 (1947).
CBA Grp 7 Bull: Bulletin of the Council for British Archaeology (regional) Group 7.
Frere and Clarke 1945. Frere, S. S. and Clarke, R. R. The Romano-British Village at Needham, Norfolk. Norfolk Archaeol. 28 (1945), 187-216.
Gillam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gillam, J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Ipswich Mus: Ipswich Borough Museum, High Street,Ipswich.
JBAA : Journal of the British Archaeological Association.
JRS: Journal of Roman Studies.
Maynard et al. 1936. Maynard, G., Brown, B., Spencer, H. E. P., Grimes, W. F. and Moore, I. E. Reports on a Roman pottery-making site at Foxledge Common, Wattisfield, Suffolk. Proc. Suffolk Inst. Archaeol. 22 (1936), 178-97.
Mildenhall Mus: Mildenhall Museum, Market Place, Mildenhall.
Norwich Mus: Norwich Castle Museum.
OS: Ordnance Survey.
Plouviez, J. 1972. Romano-British Pottery Kiln Sites in East Anglia. Unpubl. B.A. Dissertation. Inst. Archaeol. Univ. London.