Bibliography and Abbreviations
ARTYPS: Annual Report and Transactions of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society.
Corder, P. 1928. The Roman Pottery at Crambeck, Castle Howard. Roman Malton and District Report 1 (1928). Leeds.
Corder, P. 1930. The Defences of the Roman Fort at Malton. Roman Malton and District Report 2 (1930). Leeds.
Corder, P. and Birley, M. A. 1937. A pair of fourth century Romano-British pottery kilns near Crambeck; with a note on the distribution of Crambeck ware. Antiq. J. 17 (1937), 392-413.
Crambeck 00: Pottery type-numbers in Corder and Birley 1937.
Dent, J. S. 1966. A probable third ditch section from the Crambeck Quarry. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 41 (1966),572-4.
Dr. 00: Standard numbering of samîan ware forms, after Dragendorf, H, 1865. Terra Sigillata. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte griechischen und römischen Keramik. Bonner Jahrbuch 46(1865), 18-55.
Gillam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gillam, J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Hayes, R. H. 1963. Iron Age and Romano-British Sites. In McDonnell, J. (ed.). History of Helmsley, 406-13. York.
King and Moore 1975. King, E. M. and Moore, M. The Romano-British Settlement at Crambe, North Yorkshire. Annu. Rep. Yorkshire Phil. Soc. for 1974, 64-8.
Malton Mus: The Malton Museum, Market Place, Malton.
OS: Ordnance Survey.
Perrin 00: York ‘legionary’ ware vessel-type numbers in Perrin, J. R. Legionary ware in York. In Dore, J. and Greene, K. (eds.). Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond. Papers presented to John Gillam, July 1977. BAR Suppl. Series 30 (1977). Oxford.
Scarborough Mus: The Rotunda Archaeological Museum, Vernon Road, Scarborough.
Sheahan, J. J. 1859. History and Topography of the City of York and the North Riding of Yorkshire. Vol II. Beverley.
Wenham, L. P. 1967. Five Archaeological Discoveries in Yorkshire. No. 1: Cliff House Farm, near Crambe, North Riding, 1960-65. Annu. Rep. Yorkshire Phil. Soc. for 1966, 23-8.
Wenham, L. P. 1968. Two Excavations. Annu. Rep, Yorkshire Phil. Soc. for 1967,v 41-60.
YAJ: Yorkshire Archeological Journal.
YEG: York Excavation Group.
Y Mus, York: The Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York.