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Bibliography and Abbreviations

BB1: Black-burnished ware. Category 1 (see Glossary).

Brassington, M. 1971. A Trajanic Kiln complex near Little Chester, Derby, 1968. Antiq. J. 51 (1971), 36-69.

Brassington, M. 1980. Derby Racecourse Kiln Excavations, 1972-3. Antiq. J. 60 (1980), 8-47.

Cam. 00: Vessel-form numbers in Hawkes, C. F. C. and Hull, M. R. 1947. Camulodunum. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 14 (1947).

DAJ: Derbyshire Archaeological Journal.

Derby Mus: Derby Museum and Art Gallery, The Strand, Derby.

EMAB: East Midland Archaeological Bulletin.

Gillam 00: Vessel type-numbers in Gillam, J. P. 1970.Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.

JRS: Journal of Roman Studies.

Kay, S. 0. 1962. The Romano-British Pottery Kilns at Hazelwood and Holbrook, Derbyshire. Derbyshire Archaeol. J. 82 (1962), 21-42.

Kay Type 00: Type-letters of the standard Derbyshire-ware vessel-forms in Kay 1962.

Kay and Hughes 1963. Kay, S. 0. and Hughes, R. G. A Romano-British Pottery Kiln at Shottle Hall, Derbyshire. Derbyshire Archaeol. J. 83 (1963), 103-6.

Lomas, J. 1961. A Romano-British Site at Alport Hill, Ashleyhay. Derbyshire Archaeol. J. 81 (1961), 141-6.

NDASRG: Newsletter of Derbyshire Archaeological Society Research Group.

Nottingham Univ Mus: Nottingham University Museum, Department of Classics and Archaeology, The University, Wollaton Park, Nottingham.

Webster, P. V. 1971. Melandra Castle Roman Fort: Excavations in the Civil Settlement, 1966-1969. Derbyshire Archaeol. J. 91 (1971), 58-118.