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Bibliography and Abbreviations

Anderson, A. S. 1977. The Roman Pottery Industries of North Wiltshire. Unpubl. M. A. Thesis. University of Leicester.

Anderson, A. S. 1979. The Roman Pottery Industry in North Wiltshire. Swindon Archaeol. Soc. Rept. No. 2.

Anderson, A. S. 1980. Romano-British Pottery Kilns at Purton. Wiltshire Archaeol. Natur. Hist. Mag. 73 (1980), 51-8.

Annable, F. K. 1962. A Romano-British Pottery in Savernake Forest: Kilns 1-2. Wiltshire Archaeol. Natur. Hist. Mag. 58 (1962), 142-55.

BB: Black-burnished ware (see Glossary).

Cunnington, B. H. 1893. Notes on the Discovery of Romano-British Kilns and Pottery at Broomsgrove, Milton, Pewsey. Wiltshire Archaeol. Natur. Hist. Mag. 27(1893), 294-301.

Cunnington, M. E. 1909. Notes on a late Celtic rubbish heap near Oare. Wiltshire Archaeol. Natur. Hist. Mag. 36 (1909), 125-39.

Devizes Mus: Devizes Museum, Long Street, Devizes.

Gillam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gillam, J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain, 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.

Luckett, L. 1970, The Savernake Kilns. Wiltshire Archaeol. Natur. Hist. Mag. 65 (1970), 200-201.

McWhirr, A. 1979. Tile-kilns in Roman Britain. In McWhirr, A. (ed). Roman Brick and Tile. BAR Int.Series 68 (1979). Oxford.

McWhirr and Viner 1978. McWhirr, A. and Viner, D. The Production and Distribution of Tiles in Roman Britain with particular reference to the Cirencester region. Britannia 9 (1978), 359-77.

SMAS: Swindon Museum Archaeological Society.

Swan, V. G. 1975. Oare reconsidered and the Origins of Savernake Ware in Wiltshire. Britannia 6 (1975), 37-61.

Swindon Mus: Swindon Museum and Art Gallery, Bath Road, Swindon.

VCH Wilts: The Victoria County History of Wiltshire.

WAM: Wiltshire Archaeol. Natur. Hist. Magazine.

Watson, A. J. 1921. Roman Pottery Site in Savernake Forest. Wiltshire Archaeol. Natur. Hist. Mag. 41 (1921), 425.

Wilts CCSMR: Wiltshire County Council Sites and Monuments Record, Trowbridge.