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Discredited Kiln Sites

The following, formerly claimed as kiln sites, cannot on present evidence be included in the gazetteer:
Aldbury Old Copse, TL973120 (OS Records); settlement material only (inf. G Davies, V Mus, St Albans).

Aldenham Home Farm, Aldenham Park, TQ170960 (OS Records); material comprises redeposited rubbish of mixed date incl. pottery probably derived from one of the Romano-British kiln sites operating in 1 or 2 in the Brockley Hill/ Verulamium area (WSW Herts AS Bull 15 (Oct. 1959), 2; ibid. 11 (April 1970), 5).

Hoddesdon Amwell, area centred TL370095 (Gerish 1900); Mediaeval material only.

Puckeridge The Bypass, TL385243 (Britannia 4 (1973), 300); ‘kiln or oven’, not used for the manufacture of pottery.

St Stephen Blackboy Pits, TL 122024 (Davey 1932); tile production only, with no evidence for pottery manufacture.

Bibliography and Abbreviations

AE: Archaeological Excavations (Dept. of the Environment: HMSO).

Anthony, I. E. 1968. Excavations at Verulam Hills Field, St Albans, 1963-4. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 1 (1968), 22-36.

BB2: Black-burnished ware, Category 2 (see Glossary).

Cam. 00: Vessel-form numbers in Hawkes, C. F. C. and Hull, M. R. Camulodunum. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 14 (1947).

Castle, S. A. 1976. Roman Pottery from Radlett, 1959. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 4 (1964-6), 149-52.

Castle, S. A. 1977. Roman Pottery from Elstree. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 5 (1977), 192-3.

Corder, P. 1941. A Roman pottery of the Hadrian-Antonine period at Verulamium. Antiq. J. 21 (1941), 271-98.

Cotton and Wheeler 1953. Cotton, M. A. and Wheeler, R.E.M. Verulamium 1949. Trans. St Albans Archit. and Archaeol. Soc. 1953, 13-97.

Cussans, J. E. 1874-8 (II). A History of Hertfordshire, Vol. II. London.

Cussans, J. E. 1879-81 (III). A History of Hertfordshire, Vol. III. London.

Davey, N. 1932. Roman tile and pottery kiln at Black Boy Pits, St Stephens, near St Albans. Trans. St Albans Archit. and Archaeol. Soc. 1932, 212-14.

DoE: Department of the Environment.

EASN: Enfield Archaeological Society News.

EHASN: East Hertfordshire Archaeological Society Newsletter.

EHEG: East Hertfordshire Excavation Group.

Frere, S. S. 1961. Excavations at Verulamium, 1960. Sixth Interim Report. Antiq. J. 41 (1961), 72-85.

Frere, S. S. 1983. Verulamium Excavations II. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 41 (1983).

Gerish, W. B. 1900. A Roman pottery [Amwell, Herts.]. Trans. East Hertfordshire Archaeol. Soc. 1 (1900), 185-6.

Gillam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gîllam, J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.

Hartley, K. F. 1972. The Mortarium Stamps. In Frere, S. S. Verulamium Excavations I. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 28 (1972), 371-81.

Hertford Mus: Hertford County Museum, 18 Bull Plain Hertford.

JRS:Journal of Roman Studies.

McWhirr, A. 1979. Tile-kilns in Roman Britain. In McWhirr, A. (ed.) Roman Brick and Tile. BAR Int. Series 68 (1979), 97-189. Oxford.

OS: Ordnance Survey.

Page, W. 1898. A Romano-British pottery lately found at Radlett, Herts. Proc. Soc. Antiq.Lond. 17 (1898), 261-70.

Rawlins, B. F. 1966. Netherwylde Excavations. Watford and SW Hertfordshire Archaeol. Soc. Bull, part 3 (1966), 6-8.

Roberts IV, W. I. 1982. Romano-Saxon Pottery. BAR British Series 106 (1982). Oxford.

Rodwell, W. 1976. Some unrecorded archaeological Discoveries in Essex 1946-75. Essex Archaeol. Hist. 8 (1976), 234-48.

Rook, A. G. 1968. Investigation of a Belgic Occupation Site at Crookhams, Welwyn Garden City. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 1 (1968), 51-65.

Rook, A. G. 1970. Investigation of a Belgic Site at Grubs Barn, Welwyn Garden City. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 2 (1970), 31-6.

Saunders and Havercroft 1977, Saunders, C. and Havercroft, A. B. A Kiln of the Potter Oastrius and related Excavations at Little Munden Farm, Bricket Wood. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 5 (1977), 109-56.

Saunders and Havercroft 1978. Saunders, C. and Havercroft, A. B. Excavations in the City and District of St Albans 1974-76. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 6 (1978), 1-77.

SEHH Soc: Stanmore, Edgeware and Harrow Historical Society.

Suggett, P. G. 1955. The Moxom Collection. A Romano-British Pottery Group from Brockley Hill, Middlesex. Trans. London Middlesex Archaeol. Soc. 18 part 1 (1955), 60-64.

VCH Herts: The Victoria County History of Hertfordshire.

V Mus, St Albans: The Verulamium Museum, St Michael’s, St Albans, Herts.

Welwyn Mus: The Roman Bath House, Dicket Mead, Welwyn.

Wheeler and Wheeler 1936. Wheeler, R. E. M. and Wheeler, T. V. Verulamium: A Belgic and two Roman Cities. Rept. Res. Comm. Soc. Antiq. London 11 (1936).

WSW Herts AS: Watford and South-West Hertfordshire Archaeological Society.