Bibliography and Abbreviations
Aldborough R Mus: The Aldborough (Dept. of the Environment) Roman Museum, Aldborough, Boroughbridge, North Yorks.
Annable, F. K. 1954. The Roman Pottery Kilns at Cantley Housing Estate, Doncaster: Kilns 1—8 and 9—15.Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 38 (1954), 403-6.
Annable, F. K. 1960. The Romano-British Pottery at Cantley Housing Estate, Doncaster: Kilns 1—8. Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery Publication no. 24.
BB: Black-burnished ware.
BB1: Black-burnished ware. Category 1 (see Glossary).
Buckland, P. C. 1976. A Romano-British Pottery Kiln Site at Branton, near Doncaster. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 48 (1976), 69-82.
Buckland and Dolby 1980. Buckland, P. C. and Dolby, M.J. A Roman Pottery Kiln Site at Blaxton Quarry, near Doncaster. The Archaeology of Doncaster 4/1. The Roman Pottery Industry. Doncaster Museums and Arts Service.
Buckland et al. 1980. Buckland, P. C, Magilton, J. R. and Dolby, M. J. The Roman Pottery Industries of South Yorkshire: A Review. Britannia 11 (1980), 145-64.
Camden J. 1600. Britannia. London.
Cregeen, S. M. 1956. The Roman Excavations at Cantley Housing Estate, Doncaster. Part III. Kilns 22-25 and Iron-smelting Furnace I. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 39 (1956), 32-47.
Cregeen, S. M. 1957. The Romano-British Excavations at Cantley Estate, Doncaster: the Pottery from Kilns 9-25. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 39 (1957), 364-88.
Doncaster Mus: Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery, Chequer Road, Doncaster.
Dr.00: Standard numbering of samian ware forms, after Dragendorf, H. 1865. Terra Sigillata. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte griechischen und römischen Keramik. Bonner Jahrbuch 46 (1865), 18-55.
Elsdon, S. M. 1982. Parisian Ware: A Study of the Stamped Wares of the Roman Period in Lincolnshire, Humberside and South Yorkshire. Vorda Research Series 4. Highworth, Swindon.
Gillam 00: Vessel-type numbers in Gillam, J. P. 1970. Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. 3rd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Gilmour, E. F. 1954. The Roman Pottery Kilns at Cantley Housing Estate, Doncaster: Kilns 9—15. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 38 (1954), 407-12.
Gilmour, E. F. 1955. The Roman Excavations at Cantley Housing Estate, Doncaster: (a) The Roman Well: (b) Kilns 16-21. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 38 (1955), 536-45.
Gilmour, E. F. 1956. The Roman Excavations at Cantley Housing Estate, Doncaster. Part III. Kilns 26-29.Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 39 (1956), 47.
Hallam, A. 1965. The Roman Tilery in Grimescar Wood, Huddersfield. Huddersfield and District Archaeol. Soc. Bull. 16 (1965), 1-4.
Huddersfield Mus: Tolson Memorial Museum, Ravens-knowle Park, Huddersfield.
Jones, M. U. 1971. Aldborough, West Riding, 1964. Excavations at the South Gate and Bastion and at Extra-Mural Sites. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 43 (1971), 39-78.
Mitchell, J. 1846. Guide to Boroughbridge. Boroughbridge.
Jones and Manby 1973. Purdy, J. G. and Manby, T. G. Excavations at the Roman Tilery at Grimescar, Huddersfield, 1964. Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 45 (1973), 96-107.
Richmond, I. A. 1925. Huddersfield in Roman Times. Tolson Memorial Museum Publications, Handbook 4. Huddersfield.
Smith, H. Eckroyd 1852. Reliquiae Isurianiae: the remains of Roman Isurium. London.
Usk/Darling 00: Type-numbers of coarse ware vessels from Neronian fortress at Usk in Darling, M. J. 1977. Pottery from early military sites in Western Britain. In Dore, J. and Green, K. (eds.). Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond.Papers presented to John Gillam, July 1977. BAR Suppl. Series 30 (1977). Oxford.